

Counts: A: 64 - B: 32 – C: 64 – Tag: 16 - Walls: 2 - Level: Advanced
Choreographed by: Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner
Source: Mario & Lilly Hollnsteiner

· Aaron Watson - Wildfire


Sequence: Intro - A-B-C-2x tag-A-B-C-A-C-C-A

Part A:

Sect: 1 Side rock, heel strut, heel strut, kick, stomp

1-2 Side rock right, return left
3-4 Right heel touch fwd, right foot taking weight
5-6 Left heel touch fwd, left foot taking weight
7-8 Kick right fwd, stomp right fwd

Sect: 2 Swivet, 1⁄2 turn R, scuff, weave L
1-2 Swivet to right, back in place
3-4 1⁄2 turn right, scuff left beside
5-6 Step left to left side, cross right behind
7-8 Step left to left side, cross right over left

Sect: 3 Side rock, heel strut, heel strut, kick, stomp
1-2 Side rock left, return right
3-4 Left heel touch fwd, left foot taking weight
5-6 Right heel touch fwd, right foot taking weight
7-8 Kick left, stomp left fwd

Sect: 4 Swivet, 1⁄2 turn L, weave R
1-2 Swivet to left, back in place
3-4 1⁄2 turn left, scuff right beside
5-6 Step right to right side, cross left behind right
7-8 Step right to right side, cross left over right

Sect: 5 Touch, scuff, cross, hold, diag step, slide, touch, touch
1-2 Point right toe to right, scuff right beside left
3-4 Cross right over left, hold
5-6 Step large step fwd left, slide right
7-8 Touch right toe behind left twice

Sect: 6 Rock fwd, 1⁄2 turn R, scuff, step, 1⁄2 turn R, step, scuff
1-2 Rock fwd right, return left
3-4 1⁄2 turn right, scuff left beside
5-6 Step fwd left, 1⁄2 turn right
7-8 Step fwd left, scuff right beside

Sect:7 Kick, kick, back, hold, coaster step
1-2 Kick right fwd twice
3-4 Step back right, hold
5-6 Step back left, step right beside
7-8 Step fwd left, step fwd right

Sect: 8 Kick, kick, back, hold, coaster step, stomp
1-2 Kick left fwd twice
3-4 Step back left, hold
5-6 Step back right, step left beside
7-8 Step fwd right, stomp left beside

Part B:

Sect: 1 Toe-heel-toe fan 1⁄4 turn L, scuff, step, 1⁄2 turn L, step scuff

1-2 Left toe to left, left heel to left
3-4 Left toe to left with 1⁄4 turn left, scuff right beside
5-6 Step fwd right, 1⁄2 turn left
7-8 Step fwd right, scuff left beside

Sect 2: 2x rock back
1-2 Rock diag fwd left, return right
3-4 1⁄2 turn rock left, return right
5-6 1⁄2 turn rock left, flick right
7-8 Stomp right beside left, hold

Sect 3: Swivel, swivels 1⁄4 turn R, hold, step, 1⁄2 turn R, step, hold
1-2 Swivel to right, back in place
3-4 Swivel to right with 1⁄4 turn right, hold
5-6 Step fwd left, 1⁄2 turn right
7-8 Step fwd left, hold

Sect 4: 1⁄2 turn L, Step, 1⁄2 turn L, hold, coaster step, scuff
1-2 Step fwd right, 1⁄2 turn left
3-4 1⁄2 turn left, hold
5-6 Step back right, step left beside
7-8 Step fwd right, scuff left

Part C:

Sect: 1 2x scoot & hitch, 2x cross rock, back rock

1-2 Scoot fwd twice on left
3-4 (Jump) cross right over left, return left
5-6 (jump) cross right over left, return left
7-8 (jump) back rock right, return left

Sect: 2 Swivel, twister kick (kick - turn), 2x stomp - kick - turn
1-2 Swivel to left , back in place
3-4 Kick right, turn 1⁄2 left
5-6 Kick left, turn 1⁄2 left
7-8 Stomp fwd twice right

Sect: 3 Swivet, kick, kick, slow coaster step, stomp
1-2 Swivet to right, back in place
3-4 Kick fwd right twice
5-6 Step back right, step left beside right
7-8 Step fwd right, stomp left beside

Sect: 4 Pigeon toe L, kick, brush 1⁄2 turn R, step, scuff
1-2 Moving left split toes, split heels
3-4 Moving left split toes , back in place
5-6 Kick right fwd, brush right back
7-8 1⁄2 turn right, step fwd right

Sect: 5 2x scoot & hitch, 2x cross rock, back rock
1-2 Scoot fwd twice on right
3-4 (jump) cross left over right, return right
5-6 (jump) cross left over right, return right
7-8 (jump) back rock left, return right

Sect: 6 Swivel, twister kick (kick - turn), 2x stomp - kick - turn
1-2 Swivel to right , back in place
3-4 Kick left, turn 1⁄2 right
5-6 Kick right, turn 1⁄2 right
7-8 Stomp fwd twice left

Sect: 7 Swivet, kick, kick, slow coaster step, stomp
1-2 Swivet to left, back in place
3-4 Kick fwd left twice
5-6 Step back left, step right beside left
7-8 Step fwd left, stomp right beside

Sect: 8 Pigeon toe R, kick, brush 1⁄2 turn L, step, scuff
1-2 Moving right split toes, split heels
3-4 Moving right split toes , back in place
5-6 Kick left fwd, brush left back
7-8 1⁄2 turn left, step fwd left

Tag : (2x Intro)

Sect: 1 Step-lock-step, scuff, step-lock-step, scuff

1-2 Step diag fwd right, lock left behind
3-4 Step diag fwd right, scuff left beside
5-6 Step diag fwd left, lock right behind
7-8 Step diag fwd left, scuff right beside

Sect: 2 Jazz box cross, step, 1⁄2 turn L, 1⁄2 turn, stomp
1-2 Cross right over left, step back left
3-4 Step right to right side, cross left over right
5-6 Step fwd right, 1⁄2 turn left
7-8 1⁄2 turn left, stomp right


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