/ Also available in: Català
Counts: 64 - Walls: 4 - Level: Novice
Choreographed by: Adolfo Calderero
Source: Adolfo Calderero
· Jackson Delaney - Long Black Cadillac
Intro: 64 times, start dancing with vocals
1 - 8 Heel rigth- toe rigth, heel rigth- hook rigth, greapvine crossed to the right
1 - 2 We Mark heel rigth foot ahead, and toe right foot behind
4 - 3 Heel right foot ahead, and put right foot at a height(the level) of the left knee
5 - 8 Foot rigth to the right, left foot crosses behind the right, right foot to the right, left foot crosses ahead of the right
9 - 16 Kick rigth - hook, kick rigth - flick, kick rigth- hook, step rigth, stomp left
9 - 10 Kick right foot ahead, we raise right foot it bringing over to the left knee
11 - 12 Kick right foot ahead, we double the right leg for the knee backward (and towards out)
13 - 14 Kick right foot ahead, we raise right foot it bringing over to the left knee
15 - 16 Step right foot ahead, stomp left foot next to the right
17 - 24 Heel left - toe left, heel left - hook, greapvine crossed to the left side
17 - 18 We Mark heel left foot ahead, and toe left foot behind
19 - 20 Heel left foot ahead, and put left foot at a height(the level) of the right knee
21 - 24 Foot to the left side, straight foot crosses behind the left foot, left foot to the left side, right foot crosses ahead of the left foot
25 - 32 Kick left- hook, kick left- flick, kick left - hook, step left, scuff rigth
25 - 26 Kick left foot ahead, we raise left foot it bringing over to the right knee
27 - 28 Kick left foot ahead, we double the left leg for the knee backward (and towards out)
29 - 30 Kick left foot ahead, we raise left foot it bringing over to the right knee
31 - 32 Step left foot ahead, scuff right foot next to the left foot
33 - 40 Jazz box 1/4 of return rigth, scuff 1/4 of return rigth, step left, lock-pass rigth, step left, scuff rigth
33 - 36 Cross right foot ahead of the left foot, step left foot backward and towards the left side, open the straight foot towards the right turning 1/4 of return towards the right
37 - 40 Scuff left foot close to the right foot and realizing simultaneously a draft of 1/4 of return towards the right pivotting on the right foot. Step forward with the left foot, right foot behind the left foot, step forward with the left foot, scuff right foot together with the left foot
41 - 48 Step rigth, 1/4 of return left, flick left , step left, 1/2 return left, flick rigth, rigth greapvine crossed
41 - 44 Step right foot ahead with 1/4 of return to the left side, kick left foot behind doubling the knee, step left foot giving 1/2 turned to the left side, kick right foot behind doubling the knee right
45 - 48 Foot rigth to the right, left foot crosses behind the right foot, right foot to the right, left foot crosses ahead of the right foot
49 - 56 Step rigth, stomp left, swivet left , swivet right, step rigth, 1/2 of return left
49 - 52. Step right foot forward and towards the right, step left foot improves and towards the left side realizing a stomp, turn the body towards the left side on the right toe and the left heel simultaneously, return to the center
53 - 56 Turn the body towards the right on the left toe and the right heel, return to the center. Step right foot to ahead, 1/2 turned towards the left side turning on the toes
57 - 64 Rock ahead foot rigth, rock behind foot rigth, turned 1/2 to left side, stomp rigth, stomp left
57 - 60 Step ahead right foot displacing the weight improve, turn the weight to the left foot, step behind right foot putting the weight in this foot, turn the weight to the left foot
61 - 64 Step ahead right foot doing 1/2 turned to the left side piloting on the right foot, turn 1/2 turned more towards the left side piloting on the right foot giving a step with the left side ahead(forward) on having ended the draft (or return informs with right foot - left), stomp right foot, stomp left foot
2 restart, after moviment 56, in 4o and 8o wall
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